Internal Grants

 Internal Funding Opportunities

Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activity (RSCA) Awards Program

The annual Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activity (RSCA) Awards Program is an intramural faculty research grant program intended to support faculty research, scholarship, and creative activity, interpreted broadly to mean the disciplined quest for broadening human understanding. Applications for the 2025-26 program are being accepted through February 6, 2025. Please visit to access the application site and download the 2025-26 Request for Proposals.

Congratulations to the 2024-25 RSCA Awardees!
Faculty NameCollegeDepartmentProject Title
Kirstin EllsworthCAHArt & DesignThe Lakewood Home and the Architecture of Postwar America
Jimena SarnoCAHArt & DesignRhapsody
Aandrea StangCAHArt & DesignBrackish Water Los Angeles Exhibition
Virginia Todd EamesCAHCommunicationsBuzzard Luck Professional Pitch Deck
Debra BestCAHEnglishLaw in the Middle English Romances of Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales
Kimberly HuthCAHEnglishPericles and Emblematic Drama in the Shakespearean Canon
Kerry ShannonCAHHistoryGoing to the Bathroom for the Nation: A History of the Modern Japanese Toilet
Laura TalamanteCAHHistoryMapping the Shifting Terrain of Revolutionary Marriage and Divorce in Marseille
Annemarie PerezCAHInterdisciplinary StudiesRecovering Marcella Lucero Trujillo: Digitalizing Memory, Space, and Place
Tahereh AghdasifarCAHWomen's StudiesInstitutionalizing Model Minority Politics
Nancy DengCBAPPInformation Systems & Operations Management Will ChatGPT Makes My Knowledge and Skills Obsolete? Understanding AI Literacy from the Perspective of Underserved Students
Jian-yu KeCBAPPInformation Systems & Operations Management Towards Sustainable Last-Mile Delivery: Analyzing the Impact of Crowdsourced Logistics on E-Commerce Transportation
Xun XuCBAPPInformation Systems & Operations Management Carbon Emission Reduction and Channel Development Strategies Under Government Subsidy and Retailers’ and Consumers’ Fairness Concerns
Saahir ShafiCBAPPSchool of Public Service & JusticePolicy Rhetoric around Polarizing Issues: Evaluating States’ Messaging on the Opioid Crisis
Rui SunCBAPPSchool of Public Service & JusticeFiscal Transparency, Citizen Participation, and Social Media: Do They Affect Fiscal Health?
Zheng YangCBAPPSchool of Public Service & JusticeBeyond the Crisis: Volunteer Engagement and Psychological Well-being in Los Angeles During COVID-19
Kara KogachiCHHSNChild DevelopmentReducing Racial/Ethnic Inequalities in Middle School Math Through Peer Social Networks: A Study of Peer Social Capital
Jahangir AbdiCHHSNClinical ScienceExperimental investigation of cytotoxic T cells’ killing activity against blood cancer cells
Annalyn Valdez-DadiaCHHSNHuman ServicesExploring the mental health experiences and support needs of Filipino family caregivers
Parichart SabadoCHHSNSchool of Public Health & Health ScienceExamining the Association between Intergenerational Trauma and E-cigarettes Use and Use of Other Nicotine and Marijuana Products among Cambodian Transitional Age Youth
Karin KramCNBSBiologyCharacterizing Stresses in Long-Term Bacterial Cultures
Samantha LeighCNBSBiologyThe Impacts of Chronic Microplastics Exposure on Zebrafish Physiology
Sonal SinghalCNBSBiologyA genetic perspective on the number of species on Earth
Amine LaradjiCNBSChemistry & BiochemistryEngineering an In-Situ Gelling Vitreous Substitute with Antiproliferative Properties
Amlan ChatterjeeCNBSComputer ScienceEarly detection of Mental Health Problems in Underrepresented Populations Using Predictive Analysis on Online Social Network
Alireza IzaddoostCNBSComputer ScienceAI-Powered Platform to Detect New and Unidentified Fraudulent Activities in Credit Card Transactions
Ali JalooliCNBSComputer ScienceSafeguarding IoT Devices: Machine Learning-Driven Solutions for Smart Home Security
Bin TangCNBSComputer ScienceBudget-Constrained Traveling Salesman Problem: a Cooperative Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning Approach
Liudong ZuoCNBSComputer ScienceOptimizing Data Transfers in High-Performance Networks: Balancing Completion Time and Cost Efficiency
Parveen ChhetriCNBSEarth Science Can trees reduce the effect of the urban heat islands exacerbated by climate change?
Ashish SinhaCNBSEarth Science A Multi-Millennium Paleoclimate Context for Understanding the Causal Mechanisms of the 20th Century Sahel Megadroughts
Shubhechchha ThapaCNBSEarth Science Comparison and validation of MODIS and VIIRS snow products for the 2022 hydrological year over the Midwestern United States
Alexander ChenCNBSMathematicsMathematical modeling, experimental cell cultures, and the biological system: bridging the knowledge gap in respiratory viruses
Carolyn Yarnall (with Jessalynn Bolkema & Sharon Lanaghan)CNBSMathematicsUnlocking Voter Dynamics: Exploring Agreement and Piercing in Discrete Societies
Lamar GloverCNBSPhysicsFurther Optimization of Electric Energy Storage Component Fabrication Incorporating Carbon-Based Materials from Waste Biomass
Apostol GramadaCNBSPhysicsCoarse-Graining Biological Interactions: Computational Tool for Geometric Partitioning
Hyo Joon ChangCNBSPolitical ScienceThat's a Good Question!
Christopher HallenbrookCNBSPolitical ScienceWhat We Owe to the Future – A Social Contract Approach to Intergenerational Justice
Yea Ji KimCNBSPolitical ScienceWho to Target: Changing Nature of Political Parties’ Platforms in South Korea
Giacomo BonoCNBSPsychologyAdvancing Research on Youth Thriving Through Adversity During the Pandemic
Kaylie CarbineCNBSPsychologyDon’t Forget to Breathe! The Lasting Effects of Meditation on Academic-Related Cognitive Outcomes
Irene Tung-phanCNBSPsychologyExamining the Utility of Mobile Health Tools to Promote Prenatal Stress Resilience
Monique TurnerCNBSPsychologyThe Exploration of Microaggressions
David WeissmanCNBSPsychologyExamining affective processes contributing to CSUDH students’ mental health vulnerability and resilience following childhood adversity
Kelin LiCNBSSociologyCan Concordant Advices among Health Professionals Improve Breastfeeding Outcomes among Low-Income WIC Participants?
Margarita LanderosCOEGraduate EducationFrom School Counselor to School Administrator: Exploring Training Opportunities for School Counselors
Angela MaciasCOELiberal StudiesBridging the World of Education with Gaming Culture
Jenny ChiappeCOESpecial EducationIndividuals with a Sibling with a Developmental Disability and their  Perspectives on Special Education
Conrad Oh YoungCOESpecial EducationUtilizing ChatGPT-4 To Assist With The Systematic Review of Special Education Research Studies
Nallely ArteagaCOETeacher EducationTowards Linguistic Justice: Unpacking the Raciolinguistic Pushout of Latine Emergent Bilingual Students
Stephanie CariagaCOETeacher EducationUngrieved Endings: A Visual Understanding of Teachers of Color Who Leave the Classroom
Minhye SonCOETeacher EducationExploring Cultural Competence of Early Childhood Education Students
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